Is the School Building BMS Ready for School To Begin?

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As the last days of summer pass all too quickly, students everywhere are readying themselves for the first day of school. The annual ritual usually involves a checklist that details all the essentials like new clothes, shoes, backpacks, pens, pencils, paper, protractors, and lunch boxes, etc.

But where is the checklist for the school building? Who is checking on the HVAC system to ensure all device level controls are working to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for students?

Ensuring the school’s BMS is ready for the new school year is critical. It has a significant impact on student success. Device level controls like valves, actuators and sensors control a large amount of the 35% of energy used in a building’s HVAC system. When these systems are well maintained they contribute to occupant comfort, productivity and safety. They also save on the cost of energy in a school – a savings that can be reinvested in the students. For more information see the Education Infographic here.

For more information on the importance of maintaining device level control in schools access the blog series: Trends in Device Level Control in Schools:

Schools: Avoid Over- and Under-Conditioned Air

Trends in Device Level Control: Sensors in School

Check back next month for a new whitepaper: The role of device level control in a BMS: Trends in Education

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