Nikhil Pathak
Nikhil Pathak
Nikhil is an ardent advocate of Energy efficiency leading to Sustainability.
His professional experience of more than 30 years spans across application domain of Smart building, Data Centers, IT Hardware, HVAC , Consumer durables and Electrical distribution in buildings and Industrial applications. While working for large multinational conglomerate like Schnedier Electric and United Technologies , Nikhil lead variety of roles across functional domain of P&L leadership, Strategy Deployment, Operational transformation, Strategic Marketing, Supply Chain, M&A and integration. He is a Digital Enthusiast leveraging digitization for efficiency through various Digital Transformation Projects for multiple geographies to improve Customer Experience, Business &...
Nikhil is an ardent advocate of Energy efficiency leading to Sustainability.
His professional experience of more than 30 years spans across application domain of Smart building, Data Centers, IT Hardware, HVAC , Consumer durables and Electrical distribution in buildings and Industrial applications. While working for large multinational conglomerate like Schnedier Electric and United Technologies , Nikhil lead variety of roles across functional domain of P&L leadership, Strategy Deployment, Operational transformation, Strategic Marketing, Supply Chain, M&A and integration. He is a Digital Enthusiast leveraging digitization for efficiency through various Digital Transformation Projects for multiple geographies to improve Customer Experience, Business & Operation Efficiency.
It is an All Electric, All Digital World powered by Key ‘Partnerships of the Future’
4 min read | Nikhil Pathak
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