Meet Lydia James: Schneider Electric Graduate (UK)

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There are many employees who join our #SEGreatPeople as part of the Schneider Electric Early Careers team.  Hear their reasons for joining Schneider Electric and find out why they love working here.

Meet Lydia James: Schneider Electric Graduate (UK)

What has been the benefit of joining Schneider Electric through the Early Careers Scheme?

The Early Careers Scheme allowed me to try out different work options before settling on the right career path for me. I found it quite daunting applying for jobs straight out of education as I didn’t know what I wanted to do. The scheme allowed me to work with a variety of teams throughout the company which helped me realise how I wanted my career to develop.

It also gave me a great insight into the company, both technically and commercially, because I was able to work with so many different people. To understand what other people in the company do is really valuable and creates a great work environment.

What did you do during your first week?

During my first week, everyone on the scheme was sent to London to visit the offices there. We were introduced to members of the senior management team very early on which was impressive as I didn’t think that usually happened in big companies! Spending the first week together in London was a great opportunity to get to know others starting at the same time as me.

How has your first year at Schneider Electric been?

It’s been a steep curve but the variety of work and being exposed to different offices, teams and projects has enabled me to really understand the company and its values. I had assumed that in a big, global company, those at the start of their career wouldn’t be exposed to any big projects but Schneider Electric had us involved from the beginning.

What’s the best aspect of the Early Careers Scheme?

It sounds like a cliché but it presents a huge amount of opportunities. Schneider Electric really invests in training and they will support whatever direction you choose to take after the scheme. It opens a lot of doors.

Did you find anything a challenge?

As a global technology company, Schneider Electric is always growing and so always changing. My biggest challenge was fully grasping the company as a whole but it’s also why it’s such an exciting company to work for!

What convinced you to choose Schneider Electric?

The assessment day completely sold it for me. I met several employees and it was clear how much they loved their job. Their enthusiasm for the company and genuine desire to get to know us was the deciding factor. Schneider Electric is at the top of its game but what makes this such an incredible company really is the people who work here.

Begin an amazing career with a bright future. At Schneider Electric, experience a solid start to your career within a high-performance environment that puts a priority on learning and development, collaboration, and well-being. We invite you to help us co-create the future.

Sign up here for even more great reasons why you should join the Early Careers Scheme in the United Kingdom.

To learn more about our global career opportunities, click here.

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