6 Sustainable Packaging Strategies to Keep In Mind

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In the corporate sector, sustainable activities were formerly quite unique. Going green was once something that only specialized or progressive businesses would promote.

But nowadays, adopting sustainable practices is no longer optional; rather, it’s quickly becoming the norm. Numerous groups are urging greater cooperation and responsible actions to protect the environment. The United Nations notes that in order to maintain current standards of living, the globe would need to have 9.6 billion people by the year 2050[1], which is almost three planets’ worth of space. Since there is only one planet where life is possible, everyone must contribute to protecting the environment.

Consequently, using sustainable packaging is a crucial step you can take as an online retailer to become more environmentally responsible. Since you work in the consumer goods industry, you probably utilize a variety of materials whenever you pack and ship goods.

Let us understand the concept better through various factors!

What exactly does sustainable packaging mean?

The characteristics of sustainable packaging include the following:

  • Community-friendly, secure, and healthy over the whole lifecycle of the packaging.
  • It satisfies the pricing and performance standards set by the market.
  • The utilization of recyclable materials is maximized.
  • Best practices and responsible manufacturing techniques are used to create sustainable packaging.
  • It is made to maximize both material and energy use.

How can you make your packaging sustainable?

Here are methods you can adopt to make your packaging sustainable:

  • Reduced packaging: As was already said, one of the main problems in the eCommerce sector is excessive packaging. To begin with, overpackaging your products increase your expenditures. Additionally, this will result in greater packaging waste. Your packaging design needs to be more efficient because it will help you reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Reuse packages and recycle them: Use recycled materials in your product packaging to recycle and reuse them. It prolongs the usefulness of the package. For instance, you can think about using recycled packaging inserts to demonstrate to your clients your commitment to sustainability.
  • Plant-based packaging: Over the past few years, the selection of plant-based packaging has greatly expanded. You can look for biodegradable packaging substitutes like mushroom packaging, which is made entirely of renewable and biodegradable materials. These agricultural by-products aid in reducing supply chain waste by being used instead.
  • Don’t use mixed materials: Because the layers cannot be distinguished during sorting, when paper and plastic, or even two different types of plastic, are fused together, they are no longer recyclable. Limit your use of packaging to items made completely of paper or a single type of plastic. It should be noted that paper that has modest amounts of mixed materials stacked on it (such as paper strengthened with fibreglass strands or boxes sealed with plastic tape) can still be recycled.
  • Make use of manufacturers who employ sustainable practices: The use of less water or power, better machine design, and even time management are all examples of ways that factories might practice sustainability. At Schneider, we’re trying to increase transparency into the sustainable policies and data of all of our production partners.
  • Send in a more compact package: Reduced shipping expenses, material costs, resource use, and emissions are reduced as the package is transported to the client and shipping warehouse. There are typically two methods for selecting packing sizes. One tactic is to optimize for different product assortments by using a wide variety of sizes. Another tactic is to use a limited number of packing sizes that are one size fits all. Based on your product line and order trends, choose a strategy. Examine your existing packaging dimensions to determine how much air you are sending (unused space). From there, try to reduce the height of your containers by a few inches or try switching your optimization tactics.

How does Schneider help promote sustainable packaging?

Schneider has constantly worked on programs that support sustainable packaging. A few of their endeavours can be understood through the mentioned link.


[1] BigCommerce – Why You Need to Offer Sustainable Packaging — and How to Do It Right

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