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Hey, Doralice, how are you?
I am very happy to see you, almost 15 years old, full of courage and still many dreams to fulfill. Well, I’m writing you a few decades into the future to tell you a little bit about our trajectory and I know you’ll like it.
You know this company where you started working today? I don’t want to give a spoiler, but soon it will be called Schneider Electric. Well during your years working at Schneider, you will write a beautiful and long story. Do you want to know how? I’ll start by saying that you will build a beautiful family and a fantastic career. Yes, I know you’ve always thought about having children but you’re worried about having to choose between career and family, well, you’ll have two kids, and motherhood won’t be an obstacle. You’ll be able to reconcile with a good work-life balance and share special moments with your family.
Something cool you’ll be able to do is have the opportunity to go to France and visit one of the Schneider headquarters. In addition to that experience, you will get to work with and meet people from many other places and cultures. Don’t believe me? Well, this is the truth!
And speaking of cool stuff, and a few years you will be introduced to the commercial area of the business. Yes, you will work in the commercial area and love it. This path will not be easy, you will encounter some challenges that will make you even stronger, but you will also find wonderful people who will support you, with whom you will learn a lot and become true friends. After going through different roles and leading the Customer Care area, you will be appointed Manager in an Inside Sales team. And do you know what will delight you most in this position? The way you can connect two of the passions you will acquire over time, developing people and the commercial area.
I know that you may think that managing people, customers, and goals, all may seem scary, but rest assured, all the baggage, skills, and knowledge that will accumulate along this journey will prepare you for this moment and your team and your managers will make a difference.
How do I know all this? I’m writing to you 41 years after this decision of yours and you’re still at Schneider. You may think you’ve been in a company for so long, but I can assure you you don’t. You’re still curious, with the same energy and willingness to find new ways to do things and if you stayed for so long it’s because here you’re meant to be.
You are respected, have a voice, and above all, fell in love with the company and its mission. You share values and purpose. It couldn’t be any better. Here, people are respected as they are and fight against prejudices. Diversity and sustainability are part of the agenda of everyone, starting at the top.
So girl, continue believing, dedicating yourself, investing in your development and in new ways of acquiring knowledge, have an open mind and do not limit yourself, continue to have excitement for life, be passionate, and chase after your dreams.
Thank you for always believing that anything is possible and for staying true to your values after so many years at Schneider Electric. I admire you very much.
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Congrats for how you became an inspiration! I am sure that this litlte girl is so confident on the amazing woman she turn on to ! All the best !
Hi Tereza,
On this journey, I had the privilege of working and being inspired by great women like you.
Thank you! – Doralice