UPS Deployment Strategies for Critical Power Distribution

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One tends to think of UPS systems as black box devices connected to various IT assets and critical appliances or machines. While these standalone applications for uninterruptible power still exist, much of the IT space has been concentrated in the data center and even the cloud where UPS equipment is more highly integrated into the rack infrastructure and facility power architecture. This is becoming true outside the data center as well.

Distributed IT assets are evolving into managed “edge compute” systems with UPS power integrated into racks with servers and network hardware. Similarly, in many cases critical machine loads are moving away from individual UPS applications to centralized systems integrated with the power distribution architecture.

This brings better use of facility space and a more managed and reliable approach to critical power UPS systems. Unlike the standalone UPS, a centralized implementation benefits from an engineered solution that takes into account all existing and planned loads.

A centralized design is typically achieved through a collaboration between the end customers, an engineering firm and the contractors involved in installing and commissioning the project. The end result of a successful implementation is a more highly reliable system with longer term system availability.

End customers will further benefit from collaborating with their contractors and consulting engineers on their overall power distribution strategy inclusive of UPS deployment; identifying risks and associated critical loads as well as creating remediation plans with centralized and/or decentralized UPS provisioning.

Then as critical appliances and machines are added to the organization, provisions for high availability power will already be in place.

To find out more about our critical power solutions, take a tour here.

If you are dealing with an older UPS and are considering modernization, here are five questions to ask first.

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