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If you’re a top, confident electrician you’re creative. You’re a storyteller. You have a fund of tales from all walks of life and your own personal experience. Use them.
How to tell and sell the shocking truth
Try to get across just how fast and unexpected electric shocks – and electrocution – can be. And that no-one is more prone than children.
They happen mostly in the home and hazards can develop without anyone noticing. Wires get trapped under furniture, folded under carpets, damaging the insulation. Or there might be slow leak in or near an electric appliance like a washing machine.
Use a story like that to illustrate that the residual current device is a lifesaver. In the event of an accident, there’s no time to act. Only the RCD tripping out in milliseconds can save a life.
Telling a story is surefire way to direct customers’ understand when it comes to a more unknown quantity in protection systems – voltage surges.
Lightning never strikes twice, or does it?
People often know very little about voltage surges. What they are or how lightning can cause them.
So you explain how a discharge from a lightning strike to the ground can get into nearby buildings’ electrical and Ethernet wiring. And that it blows phones, hi-fi systems, modems and computers. Electronics are particularly sensitive, you say.
But then your customers counter by saying lightning seldom strikes.
Your response? Not only does it strike, it can even strike twice. Refer them to the story of the 12-year-old girl in Gothenburg who was struck by lightning twice while taking a shower during a thunderstorm.
Now add a personal story.
“Once I lost all the data on my PC because, just I was backing it up to an external drive, lightning struck, blowing all the electrical and electronic devices that were working at the time…”.
Protection is invaluable
So you can state the case for surge protection devices (SPDs) which affords protection and peace of mind.
And if the customer baulks at the price? You cut to the chase. An SPD costs €50 to €100. How much does it cost to replace frazzled TVs, computers, fridges? A hundred times more? Then put the SPD into a wider context. Be authoritative. Tell your customers if the SPD isn’t compulsory, but you believe it’s invaluable.
The end user won’t be expecting this. He or she might say no. But if the answer is yes, it’s a job well-paid. And more business, because you gain trust-ability and your customer recommends you.
The cherry on the cake – energy efficiency
The ideal job is one which you can round off in style by selling an energy efficiency solution. Energy efficiency is about getting more for less – an argument all users are sensitive to.
The initial cost is an investment, you tell your customer. There’ll be a payback period for recouping investment. After that, you explain, he or she will actually make money and the installation will have paid itself back many times over.
You can suggest a lighting system with dimmers in an ordinary flat which can be controlled from different locations remotely. That’s a solution that works for apartments. To commercial building managers you can suggest solutions for remotely monitoring, measuring, and controlling water, gas and electricity consumption from computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.
The benefits? An investment that pays dividends in terms of money, comfort, and the environment. If you’re installing energy management systems in homes and small buildings, you’re already a top electrician.
Whatever, I hope my advice in these four blogs has been useful. It’s meant to give you pointers about the way to go and grow your business sustainably and profitably.
What do you think? Any advice or experience of your own you’d like to share?
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Vincent George
9 years ago
Lots of great information here, thank you.
Brandon Mona
9 years ago
Great post. Being an electrician is a very complex job that requires intense attention to detail. Most people are surprised at how important electrical service can be for their safety.
Derek Entrekin
8 years ago
Great info article for the inexperienced electrician. We didn’t get into this business to sell people on our value, but quite often adding a story or two can convince those that resist hiring a professional. We save our client’s time, money (when you break it down), and their sanity.
Well-written. Keep it up.
John Smith
8 years ago
Loved your blogs! I agree with you completely and you have sparked some changes in my mind.
Electrician Gold coast
8 years ago
Nice post and also very informative
8 years ago
Thanks for the article. The more info on the net regards the dangers, the better.
Ref, the vids; yes, if working on anything electrical, never trust anyone when they say they’ve turned off the supply – your wife or your best friend even. Been caught out too many times, including 415V three phase as an apprentice before locking off was the procedure. Unfortunately, recently lost a friend who was electrocuted, which brings this home. This was in Asia where RCDs are not readily used.
Similarly, those considering buying a multimeter should also have one eye on input protection, with the better brands having appropriate category ratings to protect the meter and user in the event of a voltage surge from machinery or lightening. Most people look at price and functions while disregarding what goes on inside.
Stick to Fluke, Agilent, Klein, Brymen, Amprobe or Megger, folks.
All the best
7 years ago
Very informative blog.
6 years ago
Some good advice Vladislav. I like this. It is good advice newbie like me.
Aaron Lal
6 years ago
Great post! Lot of great information here.
6 years ago
Great Stuff! Thanks for informative post.
6 years ago
Great job! You have shared a nice post. I really appreciate the efforts you have made. You have conducted a thorough research and written a great post. Looking forward to seeing you soon with a new post.