Electric Vehicle (EV) a Disruptive Technology?

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Photo of Thomas Edison with an electric car, 1913.  Source : the Smithsonain: https://americanhistory.si.edu/edison/ed_d22.htm
Photo of Thomas Edison with an electric car, 1913. Source : the Smithsonain: https://americanhistory.si.edu/edison/ed_d22.htm

Did you know electric vehicles were actually invented in the 1800s? in fact in 1900 34% of cars in major cities were powered by electric motors and steam engines. Thomas Edison (friends with Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford) was actually quoted saying, “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a sources of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” Sadly this is exactly what has happened!

The fact is EVs today represent a revolutionary technological innovation, but have yet to reach disruptive status. However, other great innovations took time to scale production and build adoption once a market is established.  Once charging infrastructure is everywhere, drivers will be able to easily charge from their homes, workplaces, retail, and virtually all places that cars are normally parked.

To learn more check out, “What Will it Take to Make us a Country of Electric Vehicles” by Mike Calise, Director of EV for Schneider Electric NAM



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