Building Future State Data Centers

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Schneider Electric’s Paul Francois-Cattier Highlights Reasons To Move Away From Traditional Data Center Builds.

I recently attended Data Centres Europe 2013 in Nice, and caught up with Paul-Francois Cattier, Global VP Data Centers for Schneider Electric and asked him to tell me a little more about how people might build data centers which are more efficient going into the future.

In response Paul-Francois told me that there are many reasons for companies to build data centers differently in the future. First and foremost are the ideas of efficiency and flexibility. Data centers need to be more flexible to comply with the customers business strategy, it is essential to plan and really understand what you want to achieve as most builds are complex and have a long life cycle.

Deployment time is another consideration when building a new data center. Installing standardized, pre-tested facility modules is one way to ‘hit the ground running’. “It’s better than integrating thousands of components on site,” said Paul-Francois, “Instead you will integrate all of the components in the factory, and have some standard tests applied to the module, so once it is built it is standardized. This will reduce the time to deploy, test and commission the components, enabling you to develop and implement data center infrastructure with less cost, and allow all the components to work together in the most efficient manor possible.”

“As the DCIM software is deployed directly to work with the physical infrastructure of the data center, the IT load works with the Smart-Grid and balancing system to further increase efficiency. The design, being more standard, would enable the software to integrate with more ease than say, that of a build where components were added one at a time. If the build is accompanied by an efficient and coherent services package, this will also help to prolong the life cycle of the data center,” he said.

Paul-Francois closed the conversation by adding; “Services like maintenance, and operation of the data center could be assessed with retro fit of the data center along with the lifecycle. This is just one of many ways to build a better, more efficient data center.”

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