Earth Day 2012

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Earth Day 2012 is this upcoming Sunday April 22nd, and I am celebrating it with two activities here in Dallas.

The first is Earth Day Dallas. The planning committee is hoping this will be the largest earth day festival in the country with estimated attendance of 75,000 people.  The event will last two days at Fair Park in Dallas with 600 exhibitors, presentations, and fun for the whole family.  The goal is to continue to raise awareness about sustainability, and I am happy that Dallas has planned and sponsored such an event to promote this vital topic.

The second event is HKS Green Week which is hosted by my firm.  This will be a whole week of presentations and exhibitors at our headquarters in Dallas.  All of HKS’s 800 employees are asked to attend or view by Web-ex during the week. Key presenters include Nadav Malin from Building Green and Peter Templeton from GBCI, which is the certification/ accreditation arm of the US Green Building Council’s LEED program.  There will be also presentation from other designers, engineers, and other sustainable leaders in our industry.  We are also excited to have Schneider Electric as one of the 25 exhibitors showcasing products and services that can help make our building more sustainable.

For those not in Dallas, I hope you will find out about your local Earth Day celebrations and join the opportunity to support keeping our environment healthy for our children and
future generations.

