Better Prepared for Unreliable Weather

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Excessive heat, high wind gusts, snow, ice and pop-up thunderstorms are just some of the severe types of weather conditions New Hampshire experiences throughout the year.  When Liberty Utilities, a regulated water, natural gas and electric transmission and distribution utility, goes through multiple types of weather at unpredictable times, they need to stay on top of the constantly changing conditions.

Jim Scarpone, manager of Electric Operations, and his team check the weather daily to monitor conditions that may require additional crews.  “If we see something that warrants it, we move some resources closer to where we think the brunt of the problem is going to be, or we might bring in some outside resources and pre-stage ahead of time. What we try to determine is the worst case, which location is the worst case, and what should we do to alleviate that risk somewhat.”

Liberty Utilities subscribes to Schneider Electric’s MxVision WeatherSentry® Online Utility Edition.  In addition, the Liberty Utilities team utilizes a rating system called Estimated Impact Indices (EII) that helps assess severe weather by evaluating conditions three days in advance on a scale from one to five. Now they aren’t surprised when potentially deadly weather is going to hit, and they can prepare themselves and help their own customers through it in a timely manner.

Scarpone and his team made a connection with Schneider Electric’s 24-hour access to meteorological consulting services, as well as mobile alerts sent directly to Scarpone’s cell phone to keep him aware of changing weather conditions throughout his service area. Now the weather forecasts are with Scarpone all the time.

By using Schneider Electric’s MxVison WeatherSentry® Online Utility Edition, Liberty Utilities is not only better prepared for severe weather, but they save more than just money and resources.