Bridging the Gap Between Unpredictable Weather and Flight Planning

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Weather’s Impact on Aviation 

The aviation industry faces many obstacles when it comes to flight planning and routing, but managing weather conditions is right at the top. Weather conditions before the flight, at takeoff, during the flight and at landing are the single largest impacts to the safety, timeliness and efficiency of flights.

This creates a challenge for flight planners and pilots, who must set flight plans ahead of time with the best available information, and then monitor changing conditions for both the primary flight and any number of back-up routes should the plane need to divert course and destination.

Monitoring that many variables places a significant amount of stress on flight planners and pilots. In addition, various weather intelligence services only provide periodic, generic updates on conditions that planners and pilots must use to make their best guess about safe and efficient flight paths. This leads to less efficient flights or even unnecessary cancellations.

In our world of advanced, accurate weather intelligence technology solutions, pilots and flight planners don’t need to deal with these headaches – tailored information can be delivered as the weather changes.

Flight Route Alerting

Smarter Flight Planning

You want a Flight Route Alerting solution that takes the stress and guesswork out of flight planning and monitoring. With customized, automated alerts that only include vital information, our solution won’t overwhelm planners and pilots with irrelevant information. It highlights timely reports in ways that help planners and pilots make the safest and most efficient flight route decisions quickly.

Powered by the industry’s most accurate forecasting technology, Schneider Electric’s new Flight Route Alerting solution allows flight planners to schedule routes up to 36 hours in advance with highly accurate weather intelligence, customized to the flight and the aircraft.

The solution alerts the planner when conditions they deem as dangerous are identified along the route, giving the planner and their team time to alter the flight plan.  Because Flight Route Alerting continuously monitors specific flights and conditions — as well as up to 25 locations associated with each route (origin, destination, alternates, and more) – until the flight is terminated or cancelled, flight planners and pilots can focus on their operational tasks until they receive an alert. Flight Route Alerting sends alerts throughout the duration of the flight specific its current ETOP window. It also ensures safer flights by leaving less open to human interpretation — and potential error.

If pilots or flight planners need to change the flight route, Flight Route Alerting automatically updates its tracking and alerting to the new flight path. This is perfect for longer flights that have a higher risk of facing rapidly changing weather. The solution can monitor several flights at once, making it easy for commercial airline flight planners to keep abreast of their aircraft in the sky.

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  • Good piece. Really makes a difference these new technologies that allow flying in some though conditions. A decade ago a light fog would’ve meant a whole lot of pressure on traffic control and the pilots themselves.

  • Thanks for the great information, we at JBS provides the best aviation service to our clients.

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