ADMS loves big data

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Many utilities have voiced concerns over “big data” with valid reasons. The massive amount of data now streaming from smart devices, meters, and other sources including weather systems and social media can readily overwhelm a utility’s ability to analyze system performance and make it very difficult to identify and resolve problems, especially during storm events.

EPRI recently conducted a “big data” survey, to determine the status of electric utilities regarding managing and analyzing big data.  The largest group of respondents – around 37% – indicated 50% readiness for big data management, with the second largest group of respondents – around 29% – indicated less than 10% readiness.  There is clearly a lot of work to be done within utilities to prepare to achieve system knowledge and with it the improved performance that big data offers.

An Advanced Distribution Management System – with advanced functions to model, monitor, and manage the distribution system, combined with a field-proven distribution SCADA system to monitoring and control network devices and a complete OMS for managing outages and dispatching crews – loves big data. It provides utilities with the ability to integrate millions of data points into a single, straightforward, simplified user experience that makes big data actionable.

With ADMS, big data becomes a welcome source for fault and outage detection and restoration, demand response, energy storage/microgrid management, and planning functionality for network growth. ADMS pre-processes data from network points and eliminates bad data, estimates non-telemetered points, and resolves time skew for unsynchronized systems, optimizing state estimation and providing clear visualization and awareness of the network state.

Through effective and efficient processing of data from many sources, ADMS provides utilities with a way to reliably, safely, and efficiently provide power to its customers and satisfy Smart Grid goals.  Indeed, ADMS truly loves big data.

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