Implementing an integrated automated dispatch system to balance and optimize system resources and reliability

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The challenge:
Many utilities are faced with the increasing challenge of managing diverse load, demand response, distributed energy resources, generation, and variable renewables such as solar and wind power in order to balance supply and demand. It is also essential to continue to work to avoid undesirable voltage, power flow, and power quality problems.

The application:
Modern advanced power control systems include automatic generation control, economic dispatching, interchange transaction scheduling, unit commitment, load shedding, load forecasting, and renewables forecasting functions.

Benefits from integration:
When these power control systems are integrated with SCADA systems, weather forecasting systems, and energy trading/forecasting systems, the resultant integrated automated dispatch systems can allow utility companies to optimize scheduling and dispatch of conventional supply resources, distributed generation, and demand-side resources, enable better control of inadvertent interchanges, and reduced reliance on external generation.

Benefits to operators:
System operators will be able to better manage the available system resources to optimize system reliability while achieving the most economic and sustainable energy supply portfolio.

A case study describing this solution in detail will be presented at Schneider Electric’s Link Conference (12-14 March 2013). Please join us there for discussions on this topic and other topics important to the utility community.