World Wide Technology (WWT) to Participate in DCOI Summit

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Worldwide Technology (WWT) to Participate in DCOI Summit

World Wide Technology (WWT) will join Schneider Electric’s upcoming Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) Summit on November 30, 2016. The company specializes in helping private and public sector organizations discover, evaluate, architect and implement advanced technology.

“Even though IT trends and technology constantly change, data center design methodologies and architecture have traditionally remained the same,” according to Mike Parham, Technical Solutions Architect, WWT. “This often led to data centers being over built, especially from a cooling standpoint, which then led to inefficient facilities that consume too much power. Now, organizations are rethinking the way they design and build.”

Mike says that agencies and enterprises can take advantage of virtualization and — as government data centers have already realized — benefit from consolidation. The result should be a large reduction in IT power consumption. However, organizations must avoid running facilities at full capacity even though the IT load may have been cut in half. That would counteract the utilization optimization and result in consuming the same high levels of energy.

WWT will demonstrate various ways to design data center cooling to help achieve DCOI goals. According to Mike, cooling is usually the most difficult piece to manage and predict, and it’s also where the most energy is consumed.

He says, “We have found that by using technology from Schneider Electric, like the EcoAisle Containment system and InRow air conditioners, data centers can be right sized and more efficient, and more importantly, can achieve greater predictability and handle ever-changing rack densities.”

The Summit is being held at the Hay Adams Hotel, 800 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Hear from the Federal CIO office and join your peers and select vendor partners, including WWT, to discuss the importance and implications of DCOI, and get actionable steps for meeting the mandate. There’s no cost to attend, but registration is required.

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  • web.whatsapp

    8 years ago

    Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I’m truly grateful and really impressed. Really appreciate for your amazing article. Thank you for this valuable information.

  • Thank you very much for this informative piece about the DCOI Summit and our company’s participation. Could you please change the headline to read, “World Wide Technology (WWT) to Participate…” Thanks!

    • Kristen Larsen

      8 years ago

      Sorry about the misspelling in the title – all fixed now. Thank you Owen 🙂 And thank you to WWT for participating in this great event!

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