How EN 17267 further helps organizations design and measure energy data collection

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Newly published EN 17267, “Energy measurement and monitoring plan — Principles for energy data collection,” now complements existing standard ISO 50001 §6.6 (“Planning for collection of energy data”). It addresses the needs and the questions most often expressed by organizations:

  1. The main needs expressed by organizations:

I want to make energy audits according to ISO 50002

I want to set up an EnMS according to ISO 50001

I want to establish a baseline and compute EnPls according to ISO 50006


2. The main questions expressed by organizations:

What should I measure?

How many devices should I install? What kind of devices? Where to install them?

How should I ensure accuracy and (long term) repeatability?

What about other energies (e.g., biomass, compressed air, etc.)?

How should I proceed? How should I get started?

How should I get a budget?

How often should I upload measured data? Who is going to deal with it?

EN 17267 is helping organizations design and implement a measuring plan through:
– A concrete, 6-stage process

Operational recommendations

– A pragmatic, 3-level approach (base, medium, high, related to the organization needs)

Green buildings White paper

Read our previous posts to learn more about IEC TR 63213, IEC 61557-12, ISO 50001 ed 2, and other EE standards.

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