General Services Administration Leading the Charge for Green Button Initiative in Commercial Buildings

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On multiple occasions, President Obama has called for leadership in energy efficiency to start at the top with the federal government. At the recent Energy Datapalooza, it was great to see progress being made both in the public and private sectors, and the innovations that will continue driving energy improvements in the future.

As part of the event, we announced Schneider Electric’s participation in a pilot with the General Services Administration (GSA) and Pepco to deliver the first Green Button ConnectMyData deployment in the commercial space—a significant milestone that lays the groundwork for implementing Green Button initiatives in federal buildings across the country to truly achieve federal leadership in energy efficiency.

As Green Button was previously only implemented in residential buildings, we had been collaborating with Pepco to develop the first Connect My Data standard for commercial and industrial customers. So when GSA was ready to respond to the President’s call to action, we worked with Pepco to deploy the commercial ConnectMyData standard in five GSA buildings, facilitating data sharing and analysis based on a common data format and exchange.

Essentially, the sub-metering data from the participating buildings connects with GSA’s Schneider Electric ION Enterprise Energy Management (EEM) system, which then allows ConnectMyData to make this energy information useful and accessible to third parties. Pepco’s Chief Energy Officer Online (CEO), powered by our Energy Profiler Online (EPO) solution, then aggregates the building level data and integrates with ConnectMyData to provide the complete energy usage in these buildings.

At the end of the day, the interoperability, extraction of EEM Data into ConnectMyData, and actionable insights gained through this Green Button pilot allow GSA to achieve optimum energy management in these facilities. In the future, data gleaned from the pilot program will also be published on to give the general public access to useful GSA facility energy datasets.

This pilot marks a tremendous achievement for the federal government’s energy efficiency leadership, and we look forward to seeing this used as the blueprint for future federal Green Button initiatives.


