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Nobody would have thought it would happen so fast, but it will. At the beginning of 2014 will for the first time in the world more phones than people, according to the ITU. Today, the world population stood at 7,100 million and subscriptions to mobile phone lines 6.800 million. In a few months, probably during the first half of next year, that point “magic” has been overshot. More phones than people. And up. Another related information:
- Out of the 5 billion mobile phone users in the world, 1.08 billion are smartphone users, where more than 91.4 million smartphones users are from the U.S
- 89% of smartphone users use their smart phones throughout the day
- 92% of smartphone users use their smarphone to send text messages to other phones. Whereas, 84% of users use their smartphones for browsing the internet
- The age group of 25-34 has the highest smartphone penetration rate of 62%
- 50% of Android Smartphones and 43% of Apple iPhone users are younger than 34 Years.
- 53% of smartphone users are male and 47% are female
- Android Smartphone owners consume the highest amount of data at 582 Mbs a month, while iPhone owners on consume 492 Mbs of data a month on average
- Downloading applications is the most popular data usage acitivity for smartphone users
In fact, the technology resides inside the life of the people. In the way, inside our organization we are worry by use this potential and carry all your process inside the pocket. Then, when we plan about this problem and we are thinking about mobility projects, we have to think about several considerations that do different to others technological projects:
- User Experience. More than ever, technology is linked to the activity of people. Therefore, a mobility project must address the fact that the user will be connected to the process at all times. This relationship makes mobile applications address the real needs of users constantly shoves application changes that must be managed by an effective life cycle management of applications.
- Information Security Systems. Transport user information in highly volatile devices. We therefore need to ensure that the information conveyed is secure and can not be accessed by third parties involved. Likewise, we must be able to implement safeguard mechanisms and / or elimination of important data when we need it so
- Technological Limitations of the devices. Devices are becoming more powerful, but not have all the capability of a desktop computer. Therefore, when thinking about a mobile application we think about the physical capabilities of the devices and always keep in mind that the application should always run
- Technological Obsolescence. The devices and operating systems have very short lifetimes. Applications typically have life cycles more long than the devices where are running, and this makes our applications obsolete. To avoid this we must establish policies on the life cycle of applications and devices and to strengthen alliances with partners for minimize the impact of this behavior in the engaged budgets and protect our investment
- Connectivity considerations: communications improve day by day, but still have coverage problems. Moreover, in certain settings is not possible to establish wireless connections. All this is related to the business needs to cover, and we need to establish data replication mechanisms critical if there is need for an application to work without any connection is available with the systems.
- Process: Key process and business needs. The processes in an organization are many and complex. It is important to think about the volatility of these and the critical needs of users to establish a roadmap for effective and consistent with the needs of the organization. This roadmap is embodied in the different versions of the applications that users have access.
If we have these assumptions in our mind, then we can minimize the risk when we are implementing mobility projects in our organization.