The Role Of IoT In Elevating Industrial Operations With Environmental Monitoring

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A smart factory can be termed as an automation facility that possesses advanced technological equipment that facilitates real-time production control. The Industrial Internet of Things is a concept that encompasses an array of innovations that have boosted the applicability of smart factories. What’s most disruptive about IIoT is the strength to tap into unprecedented insights on the factory floor to enhance processes and encourage productivity. A major chunk of these insights come from granular environmental wireless sensors.

Only very recently, overseeing environmental conditions across industrial campuses had been limited in nature due to the costs and complexities of legacy wireless solutions. Environmental data is small in size, but the number of resources and expenses required to cover an entire facility was vast.

However, this has changed with the introduction of IIoT. Environmental data enables a whole new level of clarity into daily operations. By associating contextual information with machine outputs and parameters, manufacturers can unfold a holistic view of their production, pinpoint bottlenecks, and recognise what is causing inefficiencies. Below are 3 examples of how environmental monitoring can help increase output and safety on the shop floor –

Employee Safety 

Industrial workers are often endangered by a myriad of dangers. Work-related illnesses and diseases are both human and monetary losses. Monitoring the workplace environment like air quality, combustible gases, heat, noise and radiation, can help protect industrial workers. In sync with data from worker wearables, analysis of environmental data facilitates the process of identifying prolonged exposure to unfavourable conditions, emergency incidents and possible workplace hazards.

Equipment Maintenance 

In most scenarios, high levels of indoor humidity are factors which induce condensation and corrosion of machinery, while unfavourable atmospheres lead to friction and electrostatic charge. Similarly, constant monitoring of the room temperature is a huge factor in avoiding overheating situations that shorten equipment lifetime while also risking fire threats. With the help of IoT sensors, businesses can attain 24/7 insights into these vital environmental elements for effective maintenance and productivity.

Resource Optimization 

Ambient conditions have a notable effect on many industrial processes. For example, optimal air humidity and quality are vital for uniform colouring and painting tasks, along with consistent drying cycles and chemical reactions. Similarly, maintaining ideal room temperatures ensures accurate fluid injections and optimal quality of 3D-printed components in sectors like auto manufacturing. Having an environmental sensor network in place, manufacturers can oversee important variables that impact production and respond timely to undesirable changes. IIoT also plays a huge role in maintaining power quality and energy management.

#SchneiderElectric is a prominent player in the domain of IIoT, having curated a diverse range of industrial solutions aimed to enhance manufacturing and production processes. #LifeIsOn.


  • Hakuna Matata solution

    4 years ago

    The Internet of Things (IoT) in the industrial sector, has given rise to a new concept known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), also known as Industrial Internet or Industry 4.0. The manufacturing industry is looking for solutions that deliver necessary intelligence and visibility to their existing process to optimize their operational efficiency.

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