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Is your organization finding it a challenge to keep up to date with the best available IT hardware and software?
If yes, you’re not alone. The tremendous rate at which information technology is changing makes it a struggle for in-house IT departments to keep their operations up to date. Recent studies show that 70 per cent of IT budgets are applied to maintaining current systems, while just 30 per cent is used to enhance productivity and innovation.
Maybe that statistic stems from the need to work with disparate systems inherited through acquisitions and mergers. Maybe it’s a straightforward economic matter of decreasing internal resources available for IT commitment – a risky first step toward drop-off in productivity and innovation.
For these and other reasons, companies are dealing with IT departments struggling to patch together and maintain legacy systems to meet business needs.
Enter the solution that utilities management is adopting to solve these IT challenges: cloud computing. There are several cloud computing models, each based on a host organization – one other than your own operation – expertly maintaining your IT infrastructure, which your employees access securely through the internet.
This approach eliminates the significant capital expenditure on data center software and equipment that becomes obsolete in just a matter of years – and the related migrations, service interruptions, and personnel training.
Companies adopting cloud computing find it serves them well, thanks to redundancy and security. Stay tuned, we’ll discuss a few cloud computing options and their advantages in an upcoming post.
Pawel Wawrzyniak
12 years ago
As far as I don’t like „cloud computing” term I love the idea of service providing. Maybe, we shouldn’t use the term: “cloud” – which has so many blurry connotations – and just start talking about a real service providing? You know, we all benefit from having an access to the electrical energy in our houses. Who cares how it is produced? We just want to have it all the time. And pay for it a competitive price. The same way with IT. Do we really need to be involved into all these highly complicated topics? We would like to focus on business operations and… Have it all provided with competitive price! Of course, as long as we’re talking from the business perspective.