Get to know our new Data Center Service Provider Team

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Cloud, managed hosting, co-location, and multi-tenant data centers face some unique business challenges. Their data centers don’t just support or enable their businesses – their data centers ARE their businesses. From site selection to design/build/commission to operations/maintenance, from marketing to managing customer turnover, these businesses need data centers that are more CapEx and OpEx efficient, more energy efficient, more reliable, more scalable, and more agile than data centers in virtually any other sector.

How do you do all that better, faster, and cheaper than anyone else? You tap into a team of world-class experts who have done all of these things in 100-million+ square feet of data centers across the globe. Our new Data Center Service Provider Team is a multi-disciplinary team that brings together solution architects, global project management and execution, global supply chain, and account managers to deliver innovative solutions and operational models that address this segment’s imperatives around speed, profitability, and scalability.

Take a minute to meet our team:

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