Top ten reasons to visit the 2014 Solar Decathlon Competition in Versailles

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In my previous post, you learned that the 2014 Solar Decathlon competition is a unique competition in which teams from 20 universities around the world are asked to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective and energy-efficient. From its origins in 2002 in the US, the competition has grown with editions in Europe (in Madrid in 2012) and in Asia (in Datong, China in August 2013). The 9th edition took place in California in October 2013 and the 10th edition will be held in Versailles, France,  from June 28th to July 14th, 2014. Today’s post is intended to provide you with my top ten reasons to visit the 2014 Solar Decathlon competition in Versailles.

  1. The 10th Solar Decathlon will take place in Europe at the castle park of Versailles in France.  The castle park was built by King Louis XIV, who is known as the ‘Sun King’.  Take a walk through La Cité du Soleil to see some of the most innovative sustainable houses of the future, and take a tour of the beautiful castle park of Versailles and gardens during your visit.
  1. Versailles’ choice as host city for Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 is no coincidence.  Beyond the reference to the Sun King, it is important to point out that the Castle was a very innovative building, with completely innovative architecture for its time, and it used revolutionary techniques such as water treatment.
  1. Globalization of the competition means that more and more people are exposed to the innovations in sustainable technologies.  The contest highlights the most important players in the new energy market, and every edition is different and brings new ideas.
  1. Participants from 16 countries and four continents will attend, making this the most international Solar Decathlon yet.
  1. Solar Decathlon brings together 600+ of the top performing, energy efficient minded students from around the world to one location.  The event provides participating decathletes with unique training that prepares them to enter our nation’s clean-energy industry and serve as the energy leaders of tomorrow.
  1. In addition to the competition houses, low-cost social housing modules will be located at the site to provide accommodation for judges and faculty advisors.  The modules are produced with bio-based recycled materials, and will showcase affordable,energy efficient housing solutions that are said to be 40% cheaper then traditional construction.   After the event the housing modules will be will be disassembled and installed in Lyon for housing for less fortunate families.  The modules are supported by the Schneider Electric Foundation in the framework of its fighting fuel against poverty program in partnership with a humanitarian NGO -Group La Varappe-  an architectural firm partner.
  1. The event will feature a fully functional  micro-grid solution, enabling electrical connection between  La Cité du Soleil and the utility service throughout the event. Visitors will be able view the live energy consumption and production of the houses during the event via a net energy balance dashboard.
  1. In addition, there will be a Smart City Center open to the public throughout the event showcasing live Smart City Solutions that can be adapted for nearly any city. Visitors can interact with the live “Smart City App” on their mobile devices.
  1. The event will also feature the latest technology in electric vehicles, and electric vehicle charging stations showcasing smart mobility.  Evlink charging stations offer a green, economical transportation fuel option as well as assist in decreasing energy waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  1.  Lastly, our very own Schneider Electric CEO, Jean-Pascal Tricoire invites you to attend!

So if you missed attending the winter Olympics, and can not attend the FIFA World Cup, then come to Versailles in June of 2014 to attend the Solar Decathlon competition!

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