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Today’s 2G and 3G digital mobile phones integrate cameras, music players, emails, internet connections, text messages … and oh yes, and you can use them to make phone calls.
This blog post is actually about circuit breakers. So why begin with mobile phones? Because they illustrate the strong market trend towards integrated, multifunctional devices that get ever smaller.
A dream the integrated circuit breaker?
As a power distribution professional, I have a dream – of an all-in-one circuit breaker. But before anyone says “dream on”, let’s be practical about it and take an application. Lighting for example.
An integrated circuit breaker would do more than break a circuit. It would protect, switch, monitor and signal, and communicate. All in a single simple device. In a switchboard, it would save space and energy – both commodities are that are at a premium.
Lighting systems in buildings and industrial facilities today use with multiple separate devices: circuit breakers, contactors, and all the auxiliary devices.
That’s a first gain: simplified management, all in the same device for a whole installation. What else, though.
Space saving. For a start, you wouldn’t have to wire up the contactors. In fact, some colleagues and myself reckon there would be up to 70% less control wires and 50% less power connections. Even conservatively we think you could gain 25% of space.
All-in-one circuit breakers would save energy, too
Less space – and less energy. In any building lighting is an electricity guzzler. But before we talk about the lights themselves, our small-size all-in-one circuit breaker would secure you savings. It would be bistable.
To close the contacts on a contactor you supply power to an electromagnet – the coil. Coils generate heat and, by the same token, heat loss. What’s more, to keep the contactor’s contacts closed you need to power the coil. So heat and power are constantly on the flow with nowhere to go.
An all-in-one circuit breaker would use electronics. It would send an electric impulse – a signal – to close the contactor. It would stay closed until another electrical impulse told it to open up. In between times, no power would be needed – so no current or heat. In this way, the all-in-one circuit breaker could bring 30% savings on contactor power in a 1000 sq. foot. supermarket.
Remote management for electricity efficiency
And with its monitoring-signalling and communication functions, it would save even more power. It would keep you informed of lighting status – which lights are on or off and where. You could then schedule to turn on and off at set times in selected locations. By using lights only when you need them, you would be controlling one of the most power-hungry posts in an installation.
And you would be able do it so from a distance – from a few meters to hundreds of kilometres away. In today’s globalised market place, companies have multiple sites and multiple applications. That kind of function is no luxury.
The all-in-one circuit breaker a dream? It exists and works already
I know what my answer will be next time someone says to me: “A circuit breaker that protects, switches, monitors, signals, controls, and manages all in one simple compact power-saving, space-saving device? Dream on.” I’ll ask them to pass me their 3G phone. I’ll ignore the phone, the messaging, the music, the recording, the video and camera functions and just look on the Internet. Then I will say: “Dream on? Look at the web on your all in-in-one phone. It says the all-in-one circuit breaker exists already. Want to know more?
Or do you think, too, that the time is ripe for integrated circuit breakers and have ideas for applications?
I’d love to hear from you.
Is the above breaker suitable for DC circuits? If yes, what voltage?
We are using MCBs for Distribution Boards of 24V DC for C&I projects.
Email me and I will get more info for you
Hi Milind. You can control the contactor part of Reflex with 24Vdc. However, you can protect and switch AC circuits only and you will need 230Vac to power it up.
For 24VDC systems you’ll struggle to get the required disconnect time from an MCB. Fuse protection would still be the best course of action.
….Is it possible to install a communicating WiFi miniature device in the breaker so that when required by the user it can command through WiFi hotspot from particular app of android phone
Hello Raktim
Thanks for showing your interest in the product, You can connect Reflex on to a gateway like Smartlink IP / Comex to control it over Wifi. If you can share more details on the application , I can guide you to make a precise architechture for the same.
En mi opinión ademas de disminuir el espacio en Tableros de distribución este nuevo Interruptor cuenta con un avance en Seguridad Eléctrica que si bien no es de Corte Visible cuenta con un sistema de Bloqueo que a la hora de consignar en forma individual el Tablero Aumenta la Seguridad para las distintas tareas de Instalación o Mantenimiento.
what is the difference between ARA and Reflex iC60N?
an ARA is an automatic recloser : it automatically recloses after a trip of the CB or RCCB. It is mainly for critical applications when you need High power availability (telecom for example)
Reflex is a circuit breaker that can be controlled remotely. You can switch it ON and OFF using 230VAC or 24VCC inputs. But in case of a trip, you can not reclose it remotely. This product is dedicated to lighting applications (for infrastructure like stadium, airport, office building, commercial building,….)
Where would I be able to purchase this wifi circuit breaker
When will smarter breaker reach the residential market? With AFCI codes all new breakers have processes power and sensors. They just need an output. Think of all the homes with panels that will become outdated.
Does Schneider offer a residential distribution smart panel that can take advantage of fed energy credits? I am about to replace my entire homes electrical system, from wires to panel to outlets.