INFOGRAPHIC: Electricity Compared to other Energy Sources in Commercial Buildings

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Compared to the 1950’s, the total electricity consumption of both commercial and residential sectors of the United States was thirteen times greater in 2013.  See the infographic below for the complete breakdown.

Info Graphic post_electricity compared to other energy sources in commercial buildings



Steward Hmeudson is a researcher/blogger with experience writing for multiple industries including health, energy, finance, and more. He currently writes for

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  • It’s amazing that despite a 1300 percent increase in electricity consumption, the U.S. does not face a power crisis. A massive increase in electricity consumption like this will likely lead to power outages in a developing nation.

  • James brown

    11 years ago

    Dependency on natural gas has been increasing in the U.S. as it is increasingly being considered as an alternative to oil. However, America has natural gas available that would last a hundred years. The natural gas can be best used elsewhere instead of exploiting it for electricity.

  • Guest Blogger

    11 years ago

    Thanks Adam, we consume close to 19 – 20% of world’s energy and some day this consumption may result as an outage here as well. But organizations like Schneider Electric are working hard for energy management and hope to see these figures go down.

    True James, second largest source of energy in commercial buildings.

    – Steward

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