Westley Thurley
Westley Thurley
My name is Westley Thurley and I have been integrating Systems for 20 years! I would like to start with an apology to my children for the lack of intelligent buildings in the world because being totally honest we have had the technology to make Buildings ‘SMART’ for many years but there are fundamental issues within our industry which block the technology making its way to the front of the priority list. If we are all completely honest with ourselves then most of us would admit we have all been on a project which could been more energy efficient or...
My name is Westley Thurley and I have been integrating Systems for 20 years! I would like to start with an apology to my children for the lack of intelligent buildings in the world because being totally honest we have had the technology to make Buildings ‘SMART’ for many years but there are fundamental issues within our industry which block the technology making its way to the front of the priority list. If we are all completely honest with ourselves then most of us would admit we have all been on a project which could been more energy efficient or designed better but for one reason or another we end up falling back to poor design specification or a contractual chain where the important packages are at the wrong end of the pyramid. My ambition is to make real change in our industry by truly making buildings agile enough to think for themselves! I want to help make buildings a positive place for their occupants to thrive and I want to make a genuine impact on the alarming historical statistics which make buildings a big culprit in the fight against climate challenges. Let’s make Buildings Smart again!
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