Patrick Bois

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Patrick Bois


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Patrick Bois is the 3Ph UPS system and Secure Power director for IT Business, Schneider Electric, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, based in France.
Patrick and his team are responsible for developing 3Ph UPS and Secure Power segments, helping our local experts, providing support for our partners and end-users.
His broad experience in UPS segment as local expert and then as Product Manager, enables him to act as an advisor for the customer applications, engineering firms and system integrators and guide them on how to fit with their specific requirements.
Patrick has been with Schneider Electric for more than 20 years, working extensively...

Patrick Bois is the 3Ph UPS system and Secure Power director for IT Business, Schneider Electric, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, based in France.
Patrick and his team are responsible for developing 3Ph UPS and Secure Power segments, helping our local experts, providing support for our partners and end-users.
His broad experience in UPS segment as local expert and then as Product Manager, enables him to act as an advisor for the customer applications, engineering firms and system integrators and guide them on how to fit with their specific requirements.
Patrick has been with Schneider Electric for more than 20 years, working extensively in the UPS industry.
