Graeme Robertson

Graeme Robertson


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Graeme Robertson has worked in the field of energy management for over 20 years. Since 2010, Graeme has worked as the Global Business Development Director for Healthcare Solutions at Schneider Electric -- a global organization that has saved customers over €950 million, 5 billion KWH, or an equivalent of 570 million trees.

He has also served as a member of the Institute of Energy and has written in numerous technical publications including a chapter in “Advanced Engineering Technologies in Healthcare,” published by the Royal Chartered Institute of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, he regularly speaks about the role of an intelligent...

Graeme Robertson has worked in the field of energy management for over 20 years. Since 2010, Graeme has worked as the Global Business Development Director for Healthcare Solutions at Schneider Electric -- a global organization that has saved customers over €950 million, 5 billion KWH, or an equivalent of 570 million trees.

He has also served as a member of the Institute of Energy and has written in numerous technical publications including a chapter in “Advanced Engineering Technologies in Healthcare,” published by the Royal Chartered Institute of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, he regularly speaks about the role of an intelligent healthcare infrastructure in healthcare energy management and patient care.
