Gary Lawrence
Gary Lawrence
Gary began his career in 1997 and has more than 20 years of experience in electro-intensive businesses, leading teams and organizations. Prior to working at Schneider Electric he led large electrification projects at ABB. He joined Schneider in 2014, leading the global E-House business based in Singapore. In 2015, Head of the Regional Application Center APAC. Gary has been in his current position since January 2020 where he leads the strategic direction and customers of utilities, core to this is the empowerment of digitization and green sustainable energy. Gary has previously spent six years in the Royal Australian Air Force
Is Smart Metering Part of Your LV Network’s Planning and Operations Strategy?
3 min read | Gary Lawrence
Power Distribution and Management
How cybersecure is your electrical distribution network?
4 min read | Gary Lawrence
Power Distribution and Management
Successful DER Integration Relies on Flexibility from Connected Technology
6 min read | Gary Lawrence
Power Distribution and Management
Reliability, a sine qua non requirement for digital utilities
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