A spider web of expertise: How the Electrifier program curates community innovation

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Welcome back to the Electrifier series, where we press a stethoscope to the heart of innovation at Schneider: our Electrifier program. Today, we’re joined by Jerome Brun, Distinguished Solution Architect, who has spent his entire professional career with us — over 32 years. He gives us a long view on the Electrifier program, and the high value of expertise at Schneider in general.

Hi Jerome! Can you tell us what you do, and how you came to Schneider?

Hello! My current role is proposing effective end-to-end technical solutions for customer projects — solutions for both present and expected future needs. As for what brought me here, it was our advanced technology, broad product portfolio, and ability to deliver complete solutions for customers.

What has motivated you to stay here for so long — and what has changed?

That one’s easy: the variety of roles. Over the decades, I’ve been a commissioning engineer, design engineer, and technical leader. I also find it fascinating to work in such a multicultural environment. In short, I’m motivated by the diversity of both the work and workplace. As for what has changed: a lot. Since I joined, we started shifting to a more local approach, opening factories and production centers near our customers. We’ve also become a more solution-driven company, as opposed to product driven. And now, with current megatrends in technology, we’re evolving again — into leaders of industrial IoT solutions for sustainability. You know that saying: the only constant in life is change? Over my time at Schneider, there has been a backdrop of continuous adaptation.

Aside from that, a constant at Schneider is the passion for mastery, curiosity, and innovation — as well as a strong philosophy of teamwork. These values are as robust today as they were in the early 90s. For example, we’re now delivering more connected products, software, and solutions, all powered by AI analytics. It’s this innovation and value creation that keeps us as a global technology leader, and me at the company.

You’ve moved around a lot within Schneider, what would you say about career mobility here?

Well, I love how there isn’t just one single linear or vertical way to advance your career here; Schneider actively encourages diverse paths for professional growth.

Many people, for example, think that progression means becoming a manager. While that’s certainly one path, promoting an expert without management skills may lose a valuable specialist while gaining an ineffective leader. But at Schneider, your individual potential is incubated — you can have an ambitious career path in any direction. Take me for example: even within the technical field, I’ve held different positions with varying responsibilities.

On a day-to-day basis, I appreciate the care the company shows. Flexibility was essential for balancing my personal and professional life. For example, when my mother was unwell, I worked remotely for 10 days while staying at her house.

You were chosen for the Electrifier program back in 2012, how has it changed over the years?

Considerably. The program is now a top priority, sponsored by senior leadership. It has also become more structured and digital, with the aim of making it easier to find and bolster expertise across the organization. There’s also an outsized emphasis on collaboration. Previously, it was more individualistic, with folks working within their own domain. Now, it’s an interconnected community. We even have a team dedicated to managing this community. They’re tasked with creating the best and most productive environment — one where people feel great coming to work.

Would you say this focus on collaboration has helped you?

I would say so. My expertise has grown massively through interactions with other experts and getting insights into their fields. And it’s not just me; you can see how this community spirit translates into expanded capabilities and, ultimately, innovation.

Collaboration amplifies knowledge. One expert is valuable, but when you combine multiple experts, their impact becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This is especially salient for today’s world, where the needs of customers require a confluence of expertise.

For me, it feels like a spider web. One expert represents a solitary point, but with several experts, you have an interlaced, strong, and durable structure. More practically, this lets us conceptualize and deliver the best solutions on the market.

After over 30 years in the field, how do you stay future-ready?

It’s a never-ending process. Expertise isn’t a static position; it needs to be maintained — especially given the radical progress we’ve seen recently. You have to learn and stay informed; otherwise, your expertise today will be stale by tomorrow. This requires an intrinsic curiosity, as well as a willingness to adapt and develop your skills. Only then can you, and we as a company, sustain innovation. It’s the same job, but never the same job.

What’s your advice to people outside of Schneider?

We live in a fascinating time to be working with technology — so be passionate, energetic, and curious.

And on a more actionable note, join us! For decades, I’ve seen firsthand how Schneider is devoted to its employees and their expertise. There’s a real sense here that people are both our basis and future. The Electrifier program is a reflection of this: it has evolved to provide enormous value for employees, who in turn provide enormous value for the company. So, if you want to fulfill your potential and help solve some of the biggest roadblocks to decarbonization, Schneider is where you need to be.

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