Schneider Electric, where the people shine bright

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Schneider Electric is a company that is built on its people, the culture, and the environment they provide. This is something that was evident from the first moment I joined this impact company.


I joined Schneider in September 2022 and since then, I have experienced one of the best qualities of Schneider Electric, its people. I had graduated from the German University in Cairo with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and international business. When I first joined the talent acquisition team, I applied with the mindset of developing myself and learning new skills. This would not only benefit me in my professional life but also my personal life.

In my first month in Schneider Electric the talent acquisition team was very supportive and always made sure I understood every aspect of talent acquisition. They shared their best practices with me and helped me navigate and understand the core values of Schneider Electric. Furthermore, they made me feel I’m a part of the Schneider Family from the first moment I joined them. I was constantly obtaining new information and gaining insights about my role and the trade. During team meetings, there was an open communication between everyone where we exchanged ideas and had open discussions.

We’re big on personal development

Another aspect that I have come to appreciate is that Schneider Electric also encourages personal development, through their Open Talent Market, which encourages the employees to participate in different projects to develop and attain new skills. It also offers mentorship for those who wish to help and gain insights from a leader. Not only that but Schneider Electric ensures that one learns something new every day through its culture of collaboration and trust.

One dream that many graduates share is that of not only being able to find a job they love but a company they we will love working for and representing. When I first graduated, like many of my fellow graduates I faced uncertainty of being able to find the dream and aspirations I was looking for. The fear of entering a new chapter and anxiety of not knowing what will happen. Schneider Electric, through its programs, helps graduates by giving them what they are looking for, a path to follow and values to uphold, not just regarding the company but also in their personal life. I am looking forward to what is to come ahead in Schneider Electric.

About the Author:

Farida Hassan Aly, is part of the MEA Talent Acquisition Team, joinig them as TA Coordinator in September. She enjoys watching documentries, reading as well as travelling and experiencing different cultures.





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