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Re-living my campus interview process with Schneider Electric
As a student, I’d never imagined working for Schneider Electric but we all have those moments when our instincts make us realize that we can make the world a better place through our small contribution. Here is the story of how I learned about Schneider Electric and what my interview process was like.
Almost half of the world is experiencing a change with the digital transformation that is taking shape in and around their lives at a lightning pace. At the same time, there are few organizations like Schneider Electric who are actually bolstering this digital transformation through their products, and by implementing sustainable strategies in day to day operations. Their tagline of Life is On alludes to the fact that mitigating climate change and saving human lives is of top priority.
The presentation that expanded my view of Schneider
As was the norm during our placement season at college, Schneider scheduled a pre-placement talk that left me intrigued. The talk dispelled the notion I had in mind that – ‘this is an organisation which makes lifts’ which was certainly not true. I was impressed by the fact that Schneider has a very long and well-established history. Not many companies can boast of posting more than 27 Billion Euros in Revenue YOY. As someone passionate about finance, this told me that the company had strong financials which brought me a lot of peace of mind. As a fresher, I was reassured that the company could survive even in the toughest of scenarios, and behold, we are experiencing one of those situations unfold as I write this.

I also learnt how Schneider, being a global leader and specialist in Energy Management and Industrial Automation has been continuously adapting themselves to the pace of how the world is evolving. Their Modus Operandi doesn’t only revolve around manufacturing and services but also on acquiring many organizations that help the company to grow to a ginormous scale.
The ‘much-awaited’ selection procedure
The next day after the pre-placement talk, we had a Gamified assessment – which is a fundamentally different experience in comparison to how other companies assess you on campus. In Gamified assessments, your normal tests like verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, situational judgment tests, and personality tests are onto gamified platforms. This offered a more engaging and realistic experience for us as students.
I was thrilled to learn that I was selected for the next stage of the interview. I was quizzed on concepts from my engineering, as well as some aspects of supply chain management. Since I was confident, I felt good about my chances of clearing the round. Imagine my excitement towards the end of the day when the results were announced! It was a proud moment for me – I was soon going to be a part of the #SEGreatPeople Family!
Focusing on Learning Every Day, one day at a time!
After the interview process, the onboarding procedure was quite simplified right from verification of documents to the day we entered the Schneider Electric premises. Initially, I was onboarded as an intern and was part of a brilliant induction program that lasted for 3 weeks.
After the induction, I was placed in the Digital Customer Experience team – an area that was new to me. I decided that I would take this as a new challenge and continue to #LearnEveryday because that’s what helps a person to grow and strive towards excellence.
Our Internship continued for 5 months and though it began in the office, we concluded it virtually. Shortly after, we were inducted into Schneider as Graduate Engineer Trainees which was spectacularly executed, with so many activities being conducted. I truly believe that getting to know each other is important and so that’s why the ice-breaker and other group activity sessions helped me to interact with other GETs as well.
As of now, I am trying to deepen my learning into my role while also focusing on serving our customers in a better way. While I’m excited at the possibilities that exist for Schneider Electric in the years ahead, I also look forward to meeting my colleagues and friends in person soon.
Although everyone’s interview process may be different, as long as you’re prepared and are yourself you have nothing to worry about! Don’t wait, start your career with Schneider Electric today! Explore opportunities here and join the #SEGreatPeople family all over the world. Search here:
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