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If you have ever mounted manually a panel or if you are regularly doing some handicraft at home, you do know that creating a square cut-out with a jigsaw is usually more time consuming than opening a round hole with a hole punch tool.
a simple hole punch toolAcknowledging the potential installation savings based on this situation, more and more industrial products that used to be mounted in square cut-out are being launched in a round hole mounting version, usually reusing the pushbutton hole dimensions so that the installation engineer can reuse the standard tools of his trade.
Here is a short catalog of products using a round hole instead of the usual square cut out.
The hour counter:
Maybe the oldest product in our selection, it jumped into its round life a good decade ago
XB5DSB hour counterThe touchscreen HMI
Perfect for compact machines, with all your data and controls at your fingertip.
The small timer
A great way to change your industrial bread machine cooking time without have to open the panel to change your settings.
XB5DTB22 timerDigital panel meter
Display one analog value, exactly where your operator need it on your machine.
XBH1AA0G4 digital panel meterDon’t hesitate to let us know in the comments what other products traditionally mounted with a square cut-out you’d like to see in a round hole version.
Learn more about our diameter 22 mounting offers by clicking here.