CIP is a food safety “must”, but can it be optimized to increase your bottom line result?

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Clean-in-place (CIP) is a method to clean closed systems (interior pipes, filters, fittings, etc) without taking them apart.  Quite frequently, CIP operations are considered a burden that have to be part of a Food and Beverage process but nobody really pays attention to it as long as it does not fail.

CIP System

More interestingly, when a CIP system is installed as a commodity system, there is very little attention paid to try and optimize its 4 Ts parameters (Turbulence, Time, Temperature, Titration).  The cleaning procedures are not being fine tuned to the product being produced.  In short, the CIP system setting is “good for everything, but optimized for nothing” making it more expensive than necessary. This is a pity since a CIP optimization can lead to:

  • Reduction in water consummation
  • Leading to waste water plan load & OPEX reductions
  • Reduction in chemical product consummation
  • Energy consummation & carbon foot print reduction
  • Reduction in CIP time, freeing some significant Production time
  • Improved production cost monitoring
  • Improved traceability of the CIP process…key benefit in Food and Beverage safety
  • Improved CIP availability through revamping & upgrade

If you think the benefits above are making sense, then YES, the first step is to monitor your CIP system in order to detect sources of improvements, then go for the step 2: I mean optimize safely!

CIP operation optimization is based on 2 pillars:

  •  the expert knowledge of the consultants and…
  • a comprehensive, worldwide available, easy to use software tool which can be implemented in a matter of hours.

On the market today, exist at least, CIP Process solution including a worldwide available solution based on highly skilled experts including a :

– Short “Walk through” audit to investigate the situation

– Stand alone, OptiCIPTM, easy to install CIP monitoring system

– Detail audit & result commitment capability

– Finally, improvement teams that will manage your project based on specific skills 

A screen shot of a clean and place monitoring

I’m very interested in your feedback to confirm or not my feeling that CIP processes are quite frequently doing the job, but not in a optimized way. If so, what would you believe to be the key potential savings??

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  • amitas123

    12 years ago

    Hello, I fully agree with the above subject as I see a big need in optimizing the CIP process for the above reasons.

    I had known OPTICIP and its a good tool to do CIP monitoring and support audits which will help decide improvement points.

    On similar grounds, I would like to mention one idea which we proposed from AOCI India that is on a method which introduces An Intelligent, Standalone/ Distributed, reliable, scalable and predictive Control system to Optimize and improve the performance of a Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) System for cleaning production elements in a Processing Plant.

    This focuses on an architecture which has a intelligent system that proposes the best CIP recipe parameters on Model based Predictive control and also fine tune CIP makeup to an extent..

    Our Idea is also based on optimizing following challenges.
    • Reducing Waste.
    • High Availability.
    • Sustainability – Optimized use of Water and Energy.
    • Optimized Chemical Consumption – Low cost of cleaning.
    • Increasing the operational efficiency for CIP.
    • Reduction in maintenance cost.

    The architecture uses, Process expertise, Control system, reporting engine also.

    Amit Sawant (Schneider Electric -AOCI India)

    • Eric Bonsignour

      12 years ago

      100% agreed Amit !
      We want to be as much as possible flexible with this optimisation solution what ever this the Technology.
      That’s the geat value of this tool, it works in any cases !
      Thanks for your detail reading 🙂

  • Christophe Avrain

    12 years ago

    Excellent inputs, I enjoy to read it & you are right.
    I like the 4Ts (Turbulence, Time, Temperature, Titration), I am thinking that we might add one which is Technology (Design of CIP station, CIP network, complete lines from well to filler).
    I will re-use system with monitoring tools to collect data on CIP processes, verify that all basics principles of hygienic design are respected, then ask expertises for improvement.
    I believe the comsumption of CIP are:
    1-Water: preparation of chemical / hot water solutions, rinsing steps
    2-Time: preparation of CIP solutions, cleaning & disinfection steps, rinsing
    3-Chemicals: alkaline, acid, disinfectant
    4-Energy: heating and cooling
    Which I believe to be the key potential savings.
    Example of ROI Calculator, you can make special focus on CIP:

    • Eric Bonsignour

      12 years ago

      Yes, Chris, the 5ft T is Technology.
      We want to be as much as possible flexible with this optimisation solution what ever this the Technology.
      That’s the geat value of this tool, it works in any cases !
      Thanks for your detail reading 🙂

  • Good input from all of you! Don’t forget that there are also ways to increase the OEE by using innovative technologies like using biodecontamination for rinsing at room temparature – impact on energy consumption, line uptime, reduction of chemicals…

  • Peter Anckaert

    12 years ago

    I totally agree Carola , the goal is focussing on monitoring all operations in a process as cleaning is one of them, not only automatic CIP also manual cleaning monitoring time and chemicals increases yield on overall process performance.

    Our goal is to make an operation generic and monitor perfomance ( OEE )
    this monitoring tool seems ideal to implement in MES applications and optimise overall performances

    • Eric Bonsignour

      12 years ago

      Yes that is correct !
      Our goal is also to provide specialized service t a customer & not only what is in our traditional confirt zone… In short, we want to be the partner of the customer by helping him on his real pain points

  • hello all;

    I am intern at the milk factory and my goal is that to reduce the chemicals and by the way meke improvment on the CIP. how can I start, do you have some ıdeas? which parameters should I make difference?

    • Eric Bonsignour

      11 years ago

      Hello Yasemin,
      Schneider Electric has develop specific audit & improvement project skills exactly on what you are considering. The name of the offer is OPTI CIP. Please contact our local team & refer to this blog + my name. We will help you with pleasure

  • Hasan EKSIOGLU

    8 years ago

    I’m the Business devolopment expert Belkim company in Turkey, produces food hygiene chemicals,eg. cip chemicals. I wanted to learn your opticip product for our customers but your partners in Turkey said , we dont know this product ,and not available in Turkey. Would you please help me to learn more about this product and other cost details .Is it possible to see this product in Turkey

    • Eric Bonsignour

      8 years ago

      Good day Hasan,

      OptiCIP is a service offer that goes directly from Schneider Electric to customers. Our product distributors are not involved.
      To who / what distributor did you talk about that offer ?
      How do you see the possible go to market between us & your / our customers to deploy this very attractive tool ?
      Would you please share your business card & I will make sure a Food & Beverage Schneider Electric specialist contact you right away.

      Very best regards


      • Hasan EKSIOGLU

        8 years ago

        Hi Eric again,i didnt mean like distributer… i called your main office in turkey and talked to customers relations, i asked if the product is available in turkey , and wanted to know more abaout product. My plan is to take the product to our portfolio and while selling our products make a difference to our new and existing customers.We can buy it directly or suggest, these would be some way of selling your product. We can launch this product , as energy,chemical, server to big companies and i think it would be a very attractive. Yes there is some sensors on cip systems but i dont think there is such good energy saving projects abaout CIP in turkey. So they can write to my e -mail . or call +90262 751 2252 . web :

        • Eric Bonsignour

          8 years ago

          Hi again Hasan,
          I will have one of our specialist contacting you ASAP
          Very best regards & thanks for your interest about our F&B great offers

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