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At Schneider Electric, working with our valued ecosystem of partners is in our DNA. And, in this new all electric world, it is becoming increasingly evident that the digitization of the energy management ecosystem is critical to the serviceability of our industry.
During these challenging times, serving our partners and customers remains more than ever, a key priority. We work with an unparalleled network of partners, and the numbers stack up: 43,000 specifiers, 37,000 panel builders, and over 370,000 registered electricians. In this unprecedented landscape, we are actively working with our partners to rethink our approach, in terms of how we become even more effective and responsive to our ecosystem, effectively working together as one team.
As we adjust to a new way of living and working, we are working hard at adapting to the evolving needs of our partner community. Certainly, we intend to continue to offer our ecosystem the relevant ongoing support, relating to the digital transformation, through training sessions, webinars, and more.
In recent weeks, we have significantly ramped up digital interactions with our partners, through virtual lab visits, remote Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) approvals, soft-skill training sessions, and through digital agreements, all of which are designed to help our partners to accelerate their deployments.
Let’s have a look at the various ways we can support you:
A new way of collaborating
Social distancing and self-isolation is naturally proving to be a challenge for many people. As humans, we are innately social. Right throughout history, up to the current day, we’ve lived in groups – in villages, towns, and in highly interactive communities. While we can’t fully replace the value of face-to-face interactions, we are striving to be flexible and to think creatively during these unprecedented times. Companies of all sizes, and across the planet, are rethinking their most effective ways of digitally communicating and how best to collaborate with their internal teams, partners, and customers.
At Schneider Electric, we offer our partners a dedicated forum, in which we aim to promote and cultivate the development of innovative ideas, with a community of like-minded people in our industry. These forums are designed to empower partners through interaction and the exchange of new concepts and solutions.
Access to a range of productivity tools
Through your dedicated partner portal, you’ll find the essential productivity tools you need, and all in one place. We work closely, and on a truly global scale, with partners from a wide range of professions – from designers to panel builders, contractors, and EcoXperts. This means that we are ideally placed to deliver comprehensive training sessions, and tailored content for our partners, based on their exact needs. Efficiency is key to developing your business, and we acknowledge that the more effectively we respond to your evolving needs, the better positioned you’ll be through this especially challenging period. I invite you to explore your dedicated portal, to discover the latest information, tools, and trainings, customized especially for you. And don’t forget, we also have an extensive library of online webinars, to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.
Strong support across the ecosystem
Over these past few months, significant changes in the market have led to considerable shifts in terms of supply and demand around our partners/customer ecosystem. We fully acknowledge this shift, and are striving to adopt accordingly. As this situation evolves, we are constantly and carefully reviewing how we can best collaborate with, and serve our partners. Naturally, some partners will be looking to accelerate their pace, while others may be looking to scale down their activities. Regardless, we are here to listen, and to support all of our partners to the best of our ability. We encourage you to reach out to your local contact, who will be on hand to help you accelerate your projects, and to provide support where needed. Our continued close partner collaboration during this challenging time is the cornerstone, in terms of supporting the broader ecosystem. On behalf of Schneider Electric, I extend my warmest wishes and I look forward to our continued partnership.
To visit the mySchneider Partner Portal, click here