IoT, Digitization, Electrification & The Future of Healthcare: An Expert Panel Discussion

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Today’s healthcare facilities are facing extraordinary challenges as COVID-19 continues to push patient loads to their limits. But in many cases, the pandemic has only exacerbated operational problems that these institutions have long experienced. The good news is that hospitals also have tools available today to help address these issues. Namely, internet-of-things (IoT)-based platforms.

I invite you to join our panel on Sept. 23rd at 1pm EDT to discuss IoT & The Future of Healthcare in an All-Digital, All-Electric World. The discussion will explore:

  • The impacts of electrification and digitization to help deliver value-based performance results
  • How IoT-enabled platforms can help healthcare organizations of all sizes optimize efficiency and resiliency while advancing sustainability and patient experience targets.
  • The new findings from Guidehouse Insights’ latest Research Report, Global Insights: IoT & the Future of Healthcare, a report featuring IoT Investment Insights from 600 healthcare executives.

As the Buildings Segment President at Schneider Electric, I am excited to discuss IoT and the future of healthcare with my co-hosts Krystal Maxwell, Research Director of Guidehouse Insights, and Michael Witecki, CTS-D, Innovation Advisory, National Healthcare Lead, WSP USA.

The panel discussion will open an opportunity for live Q&A, and as you prepare your questions, I’d like to offer some advanced insight into how IoT is shaping the future of healthcare.

IoT & Healthcare Webinar

IoT-enabled healthcare. Why now?

The previous 18-months stressed our healthcare systems to the max. Many hospitals have been forced to operate short-staffed and to extend their physical patient-care boundaries into parking garages and other areas to keep up with caseloads in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the American Hospital Association, the pandemic has stretched hospital finances – with up to $323 billion in losses in the U.S. alone, as non-essential treatments and procedures have been deferred. And, of course, patients today are more concerned than ever regarding safety, air quality, and their overall experience in a healthcare environment.

Hospital managers from some regions are already aware of the benefits IoT platforms can unlock. According to Guidehouse Insight’s latest research, 96% of U.S. respondents and 85% of U.K. respondents are familiar with this IoT technology. Implementation rates – 79% in the U.S. and 70% in the U.K. – parallel this familiarity. More than 50% of respondents indicated plans to implement IoT in the next year, even in regions with low implementation, like India and Southern America.

So, what exactly does this technology mean for hospitals in practice? IoT-enabled platforms can help healthcare facilities:

  • Reduce energy bills. With high-energy consumption and 24/7 operations, hospitals offer many opportunities for enhancing energy performance.
  • Improve the efficiency of facilities personnel. IoT-enabled analytics can give facilities teams an improved view into building conditions and aid proactive maintenance efforts to keep equipment running longer.
  • Improve environmental characteristics. Improved building operations of everything from lighting to air handling can contribute to a healing environment that improves patient care and satisfaction.

Learn more. Join our Panel Discussion on Sept. 23rd

You won’t want to miss this conversation, happening Sept. 23rd at 1 pm EDT. Register now.

For more information on how Schneider Electric’s technology shapes tomorrow’s healthcare, visit our EcoStruxure for Healthcare landing page.

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