Sylvain Frodé de la Forêt
Sylvain Frodé de la Forêt
Sylvain Frodé de la Forêt joined Schneider Electric in 2007 after more than 10 years of experience managing international turnkey projects and leading Sales and Marketing teams within Cegelec and Siemens, respectively.
Within Schneider Electric, he led Field Services activities and large Commercial teams based in France as Partner Projects & EcoBuilding Vice-President. In 2017, he extended his role to Europe.
As of 1st September 2018 Sylvain was appointed to his present role as Europe & International Hub Senior Vice-President.
Sylvain graduated as an engineer qualified from Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Electricite (Supelec), holding a Masters in Electrical Engineering.
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